by myccu23 | May 18, 2018 | Home Loans, Tips & Advice
You see them offered by credit unions and banks all the time: “First time home buyer seminars, don’t miss out,” screams the headline. Sounds important, but what more do you need to know about buying a house other than you need to find a property you can afford and get...
by myccu23 | May 11, 2018 | Home Loans, Tips & Advice
Everyone wants to live in Massachusetts. The greater Boston area has the smartest people leading active lives, which may be why everyone is clamoring for a piece of our New England pie. But being a popular hotspot also means more housing competition. Is there any hope...
by myccu23 | Apr 23, 2018 | Home Loans, Tips & Advice, Uncategorized
Ready to throw in the towel because home buying choices seem to be nonexistent? It’s not a figment of your imagination. The availability of affordable homes is getting tougher to find, as Zillow reports homes sold at historically fast rates last year. Last June was...
by myccu23 | Apr 4, 2018 | From Community Credit Union staff, Personal Finance, Tips & Advice, Uncategorized
When I first started my new job: In early March of 2015, I finally landed my first ‘big girl job’. Full time, benefits and to my surprise, at a Credit Union. What? I didn’t even know what Credit Unions did. I didn’t grow up dreaming that I’d one day work at a bank or...
by myccu23 | Mar 6, 2018 | Home Loans, Personal Finance, Tips & Advice
Buying a home in any market can be overwhelming! That is why we asked Ailen Li from Branch out Realty to write some of her tips for buying a home in Somerville! GET PRE-APPROVED To start, how will you know how much you can afford without speaking with first?...
by myccu23 | Mar 1, 2018 | From Community Credit Union staff, Tips & Advice
Being a full time young mom and having a full time job can be really stressful. Between paying for my daughter’s daycare, diapers, formula, and everything else she needs, paying my bills, and trying to have a social life, life is hard to balance. Thankfully I work at...