by myccu23 | Oct 15, 2019 | From Community Credit Union staff, Tips & Advice, Uncategorized
Credit cards make it simple to purchase big-ticket items like televisions, computers, and furniture. As long as cardholders have the available balance to cover the cost of the item, it’s possible to leave the store with a purchase that exceeds their checking account...
by myccu23 | Oct 29, 2018 | Uncategorized
When it came to selecting a financial institution for your business, did you shop around for the best credit union you could find near Boston? Or did you just open an account at one of the big regionals? Believe or not, this simple decision could save (or cost) you...
by myccu23 | Aug 6, 2018 | Uncategorized
Finding fun summertime activities is a breeze this year as community beautification project Beyond Walls returns to Lynn, providing cutting edge art on fresh walls throughout the city. The second annual mural festival kicks off on August 6th and runs through...
by myccu23 | Jun 11, 2018 | Personal Finance, Uncategorized
Here is one the easiest ways to save your business a lot of money this year! When it came to selecting a financial institution for your business, did you shop around for the best credit union you could find near Boston? Or did you just open an account at one of...
by myccu23 | May 25, 2018 | Announcements, Personal Finance, Uncategorized
New to town If you have just moved to the Somerville/Cambridge area for work or school, you may be interested in opening up a local bank account. If you haven’t scoped out the area as far as banks go, no sweat, there surely isn’t a shortage of options! You could go...
by myccu23 | Apr 23, 2018 | Home Loans, Tips & Advice, Uncategorized
Ready to throw in the towel because home buying choices seem to be nonexistent? It’s not a figment of your imagination. The availability of affordable homes is getting tougher to find, as Zillow reports homes sold at historically fast rates last year. Last June was...