by myccu23 | May 25, 2018 | Announcements, Personal Finance, Uncategorized
New to town If you have just moved to the Somerville/Cambridge area for work or school, you may be interested in opening up a local bank account. If you haven’t scoped out the area as far as banks go, no sweat, there surely isn’t a shortage of options! You could go...
by myccu23 | Apr 4, 2018 | From Community Credit Union staff, Personal Finance, Tips & Advice, Uncategorized
When I first started my new job: In early March of 2015, I finally landed my first ‘big girl job’. Full time, benefits and to my surprise, at a Credit Union. What? I didn’t even know what Credit Unions did. I didn’t grow up dreaming that I’d one day work at a bank or...
by myccu23 | Mar 6, 2018 | Home Loans, Personal Finance, Tips & Advice
Buying a home in any market can be overwhelming! That is why we asked Ailen Li from Branch out Realty to write some of her tips for buying a home in Somerville! GET PRE-APPROVED To start, how will you know how much you can afford without speaking with first?...
by myccu23 | Feb 1, 2018 | Home Loans, Personal Finance, Tips & Advice
It’s an exhilarating experience to buy a home. If you’re a first time home buyer, you are going through the process without any experience. Going through the home buying process for the first time can by overwhelming. If you are upgrading to a new home, you want to...